Jan 13, 2017
Rogue One and Fantastic Beasts - nostalgia isn't always a good thing
Nostalgia can be a tricky thing. I'm usually a pretty sentimental guy and any whiff of nostalgia can hit me pretty hard; so with the...
Jan 11, 2017
Jackie Chan wins an Oscar, and he definitely deserves it
I'm definitely late to the game on this one, but as you all probably already know, Jackie Chan won an honorary Oscar back in November and...
Dec 29, 2016
Can we talk about that scene? Emma Stone in La La Land
'Can we talk about that scene?' is a periodic instalment where memorable scenes are discussed. Given the nature of these pieces, we will...
Dec 27, 2016
How Donald Trump ruined Breakfast at Tiffany's
The fact that Donald Trump has been elected the next president of the United States is bad news on an unmeasurable level. So what I'm...
Dec 24, 2016
INTERVIEW - M Rooney (Videodrunk Film Festival)
M Rooney Founder, Programmer Videodrunk Film Festival M Rooney is the founder of Videodrunk, zinester and a journalist. He has directed...
Dec 23, 2016
The force is definitely with Donnie Yen
This is gonna be a short post with a very simple message: Donnie Yen KILLED it in Rogue One. Even if you weren't a Donnie Yen fan before...
Dec 11, 2016
The calm before the awards season storm
As much as I enjoy the craziness of awards season, right now is the part of the season that I enjoy the most. This is the time right...
Dec 10, 2016
INTERVIEW - Louanne Chan (Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival)
Louanne Chan Executive Director Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival Louanne joined Reel Asian in 2009 as a volunteer on the...
Dec 7, 2016
Can we talk about that scene? Francis Ng in Line Walker
'Can we talk about that scene?' is a periodic instalment where memorable scenes are discussed. Given the nature of these pieces, we will...
Dec 4, 2016
The 'silent' offenders of the cinema
Nothing beats watching a movie in a packed theatre with nice seats, good sound and the right audience. Knowing that this is by no means...
Nov 26, 2016
Love on a Diet - 15 years later
This doesn't happen as often anymore, but back in the early 2000s, Johnnie To would space out his highly stylized crime thrillers with...
Nov 11, 2016
Philip Seymour Hoffman
**Originally written in February 2014** Philip Seymour Hoffman was one of those actors who could devour any scene without even trying....