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Children of Sarajevo (2012)
Aida Begić, Sarajevo
Even if you know little to nothing about a specific country, it doesn't mean you can't connect with a foreign film from that same country. This happens to me all the time, mostly because I'm a bit of an aliterate when it comes to foreign news, but love watching foreign movies. A perfect example of this was when I watched Aida Begic's Children of Sarajevo. I can't say I know too much about Sarajevo or its culture, but this was easily one of my favourite movies from 2012. Sure, there's probably a lot of social and political nuances that I wasn't able to fully appreciate, but this isn't a documentary and those nuances are only supplementary to the main driving force of any feature film - human emotions. With any film, whether it's about aliens and superheroes or characters from a completely foreign culture, we're able to enjoy said film because of the emotional core on which everything stands on. And its through this emotional core of all the characters that you're able to understand and appreciate the turmoil (be it cultural or personal) that they're going through. The sibling relationship in Children of Sarajevo is one of the strongest I've ever seen, and everything about this movies just feels so real. On the surface, Begic crafts such a quiet film, taking an almost mundane approach to delivering the story. But things don't feel mundance at all. In fact, there's this subversively destructive environment that she's created and I'm sure that's a reflection of both the art and reality of what this film represents. Oh, and those tracking shots of Marija Pikic are all absolutely beautiful. Trust me, even if you know nothing about Sarajevo, you won't have a problem enjoying this movie.
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